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In the summer of 2019 French-Japanese artist Tetsuo Harada has just turned 70 years old. He has spent his life carving works for peace and respect for nature. In his 3000 m2 workshop, he works tirelessly on new projects. This year, an exhibition is dedicated to him in his native region of Niigata, the snow country of the famous novel by Yasunari Kawabata. But the project that occupies his thoughts is something else, he, who always carves monumental stone works to link countries with each other with his famous “Earth Weaving” is about to revisit all of his work and career with a new ephemeral installation project, “Peace Weaving”.
Password protected: https://vimeo.com/704919957 The film will be accessible to the public in November 2024. Please contact us if you want to organize a screening: [email protected] | [email protected] or the Filmmaker Jean-Francois Even: [email protected]